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Kathy Young Memorial Guidance Grant

DEADLINE:  October 11, 2024, by 5:00 pm.

Guidance counselors can apply for up to $1000 for their school.  

Applications are now closed for the 2024-25 school year

Kathy Young was an educator in the York County School Division for many years as a teacher, guidance counselor and then Director of Guidance at Grafton Middle School. She joined the York Foundation for Public Education as an active board member upon retirement and with great enthusiasm arduously worked to fulfill the foundation’s mission. She especially enjoyed fundraising and then taking part in the distribution of monies raised for teachers, students and staff throughout the division via the Prize Patrol. Kathy eventually took on the role for the YFPE as Vice-President. Her infectious smile and dedication to the York Foundation for Public Education and York County School Division will be forever missed.

Purpose:  The purpose of this grant is to provide support for the guidance department with additional funds to meet the needs of students.

Eligibility:  K-12 guidance departments only.

Funds:  Up to $1000

2024-25 Kathy Young Memorial Guidance Grant Winner


Emily Noyes from Dare Elementary School for her project titled,

"Calm Oasis: Unlocking the Power of Sensory Spaces."


Emily Noyes