Student Resource Development Grant
DEADLINE: Floating deadline
SIGNATURE PAGE (Required for each student)
Purpose: The Student Resource Development Grant is designed to encourage and support student participation in national competitions or conferences (academic, science, leadership, or vocational). Other special student programs and/or YCSD sponsored activities may also apply for the grant
Eligibility: There are numerous clubs/classes (i.e. Forensics, Science Fair, Future Business Leaders of America, Odyssey of the Mind, DECA, SCA, etc.) that are eligible.
Eligible Proposals - All eligible proposals must meet the following criteria:
- LEADERSHIP for National/International competition shall be defined as any activity that reinforces the competencies, skills, standards the student has learned from the classroom instruction that will better prepare him/her for further education and work.
- Applications may be submitted at any time during the year and will be reviewed by the SRD Committee as received and as long as funds are available.
- Students must take partial responsibility for expenses. The student shall provide the SRD Committee information on other fundraising efforts.
- The review Committee shall be composed of YFPE Board of Trustee. School division personnel may be asked to secure background and/or instructional-related information relevant to the decision-making process.
- Award winners will be notified within 7 to 10 business days of the application process.
- Documentation of proposed expenditure as stated in application must be submitted with the original application.
Funds: The amount and number of awards will depend on funds available from The York Foundation for Public Education, Inc.
We are streamlining our application process. Please complete the online application through the link above. If you have trouble accessing the application, please contact the liaison at:
2023-2024 Student Resource and Development Grant Winners
Grafton High School's Engineering, Drawing and Design - $1000
Tabb High School's DECA - $3000
Grafton Middle School Odyssey of the Mind - $2240
Tabb High School FBLA - $500
Tabb High School Kidwind - $2500
Tabb Middle School Odyssey of the Mind - $2760